Varnishing of kitchen doors and surfaces

At Mega Overflade-teknik ApS in Sønder Felding near Herning, we offer painting of kitchen doors for customers throughout Denmark.

Varnishing kitchen doors and other cupboard doors lifts any home and office. At the same time, it is cheaper than replacing all the kitchen doors.

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Lacquering kitchen doors provides a strong and durable surface

A door usually lasts longer than the paint or rather the varnish. Modern furniture is almost always lacquered, but sooner or later damage and wear and tear occur.

In addition, the color can become outdated, but it can also happen that you just get tired of the color.

The advantage of painting kitchen doors is that there are no brush strokes and uneven surfaces like with traditional painting with a brush.​

In addition, the lacquering provides a strong surface that can withstand a bit of everything and is also easy to keep clean, but should a scratch occur, it can simply be repainted.

Lacquering kitchen doors is an inexpensive way to renovate your kitchen, but lacquering doors is also a good solution for businesses. It can be shops, offices and all other industries that want to spruce up the room or change to the company's colours.

Get an offer for painting kitchen doors and doors today

You are welcome to get a non-binding offer for painting kitchen doors or painting doors. You can call us on +45 97 19 89 44. Or you can write to us at

Read also about painting doors.


Mega Overflade-teknik ApS

Bjergevej 31B 7280 

Sdr. Felding

Click here for directions

Contact us

Phone: +45 97 19 89 44


CVR: 10661706

Phone Hours

Monday - Thursday: 6:00-16:00 

(receiving goods closes at 15:30)

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: closed

(Phone and email are open)